Our organization team deserves a special thanks for their incredible efforts over the past months. We are proud to present a team that reflects the Dutch circuit with all of its levels of experience, different backgrounds and expertise – in debating, convening and as professionals.
We have divided our organization into six committees.
Acquisitions & Partners:
Chair: Emiliano Hernández Gómez Galvarriato (Tilburg/Nijmegen)
- Former Chair of Acquisitions of the Dutch EUDC2024 bid & Former Chair of TDV Cicero
Patrick Schmiermann (Utrecht)
- Experience organising debate tournaments, professional congresses and six board years at various societal organisations (among which Utrecht Debating Society)
Lulu Samborska (Tilburg/Edinburgh)
- Former Chair of TDV Cicero
Oana Nițu (Amsterdam)
- Convener of Amsterdam Open 2023-2024 & Former Board member Bonaparte
Chair: Joost Adriaansen (Tilburg)
- Auditor at accounting firms, two times member of student organisations’ audit committees and two board years (among which TDV Cicero)
Gijs Raaijmakers (Nijmegen)
- Former treasurer of DWARS & Member of Trivium’s audit committee
Food & Logistics:
Chair: Oana Nițu (Amsterdam)
- Convener of Amsterdam Open 2023-2024
Lotte van Heijst (Nijmegen)
- Convener Trivium Summer Edition, Organizing team Nijmegen Open & Former Trivium board member
Chair: Helena Hecke (Unaffiliated)
- Former Board Member of Tilbury House & Convener of eight tournaments
Chair: Daan Spackler (Nijmegen/Utrecht)
- Former Board member of Trivium & Program manager at DebatUnie
Iddo van den Hout (Tilburg)
- Former member of Social & Training Committees at TDV Cicero
Irina Chicus (Amsterdam)
- Participant at two EUDC’s and experience with social media
Marketing & Design:
Chair: Niya Balcheva (Utrecht)
- Convener, responsible for marketing, at three previous debate competitions
Irina Chicus (Amsterdam)
- Participant at two EUDC’s and experience with social media
Meagan Tserkezis (Nijmegen)
- Organizing team Nijmegen Open & Former Trivium board member
Bid book team:
Lulu Samborska (Tilburg/Edinburgh)
- Former Chair of TDV Cicero
Elena Nicule (Leiden)
- Former convener Leiden Open, Former Board member and social media manager at LDU
Irina Chicus (Amsterdam)
- Participant at two EUDC’s and experience with social media
Meagan Tserkezis (Nijmegen)
- Organizing team Nijmegen Open & Former Trivium board member
If our bid gets approved, we will be appending new members to some of these committees in order to further integrate the entire Dutch circuit and evenly distribute workload.