19. to 21. Finance


The partners behind the EuroVelo 2026 Utrecht bid have prepared a draft budget for the three days of the conference.  This draft budget is based on information provided by the European Cyclists’ Federation and our own assessment of the project. Since we have no prior experience with this particular event and its organization, we had to make estimates regarding various budget items, potential costs, and revenues. This process resulted in a balanced draft budget we feel comfortable with and which is secured and guaranteed by the partners of the Utrecht bid. The draft budget is sent separately as an attachment, along with the bid summary template.

Given the combined forces, networks and expertise of the bid partners, we are convinced that can make The EuroVelo Tourism Conference 2026 a great success.

Pricing Strategy

  • At this stage, we do not yet have insight into the typical ratio between early bird ticket sales and full-price ticket buyers.
  • For this draft budget, we have assumed an average ticket price of €350 (averaging between early bird and full-price buyers).
  • Speaker fee: In our draft budget, we offer speakers a reduced fee of €200.

Sponsoring & Exhibition

  • We intend to offer exhibitors a booth price of €2,500.
  • In this budget, we have set the sponsor price at €15,000. At a later stage, we can further discuss sponsor rates and potential sponsorship opportunities.
19. to 21. Finance