Policies and strategies
Both In the city and province of Utrecht and on national level a lot strategies and policies are designed and implemented to increase the cycle route networks, cycling tourism and recreational cycling. On all three levels policy makers of different departments are working together. Policies and strategies for recreational cycle routes and cycling for recreational and touristic purposes require the involvement of both the Mobility/Cycling departments and the departments responsible for Economy and Tourism.
Some highlights of interesting general trends and developments:
- Integral vision and aproach: In the Dutch context the distinction between utilitarian and recreational cycling is considered somewhat articifial. More and more policies and strategies are focussed on connecting these 2 functions. For instance: connecting cities (urban/ utilitarian cycling) and the countryside. When developing new and renovating excisting cycle paths it is assumed that infrastructure is used for both purposes. This is evident from, among other things,the fact that the new cyclepaths for commuting (‘Doorfietsroutes-> continuous cycle routes) are now also designed for recreational use.These convenient routes that are mainly developed to seduce people to use their bicycle instead of their car to go to work etc are now combined with thematic routes (De Stijl route) and experiencing cultural, ad historic points of interest along these routes. Also since recreational cyclist are using the same bike paths.
- Manage visitor streams: Cycling as a means to spread visitors more evenly across the country: using cycling as way to manage visitor streams. In order to relieve over crowded areas and stimulate other interesting regions that are worth visiting and want to attract more visitors. But also managing visitor streams in time: distribute visitors more evenly over the year.
- Complet renewal of the Utrecht Fietsknooppunten network (bike node network). The bike node network is a great succes in the Netherlands, with over 10.000 cyle nodes an the possibility to plan almost every imaginable kind of cycling tour. In the province of Utrecht the Fietsknooppunten-network is currently completely renewed. This means a compete overhaul of this network, creating new routes and repositioning existig routes to offer cyclists a more attractive experience along te route. With more beauttiful landschapes to enjoy, along cultural and historical points of interest, pleasant resting places and more possibilities to stop at café’s and restaurants. A large project that will be finished just before EuroVelo 2026 and worth to be inspected.
- More focus on health: Our cycling and tourism strategies pay more attention to combining recreational cycling and cyling tourism with health. Our population is aging ad youth does not get enough exercise. Cycling is seen as an accessible way to get people moving. This results in policies and programs combining stimulating physical activities with recreational cycling. An example is the combination of ‘Fiets4daagsen’ met ‘Doortrappen’ (‘Cicle on).’The Fiets4daagsen are annual recreational cycling events for everybody. During 4 days, thousands of people participate in organized bike rides with their friends along routes that are set out for them all over the country. A new development is organizing Doortrappen-activities along the route for the more senior participants. Doortrappen is a government program to encourage senior cyclists to to continue cycling longer and more safely, offering them information, trainings, tips and exercises. In this way, the target group is directly involved in the program. After a pilot in Utrecht regio this approach is rolled out all ovr the country
Local Level: Utrecht City
We positioning our city as the ‘Bike Capital of the World. Utrecht wants to be the most bike-friendly city in the world.This means that our local government and policy makers are working hard to live up to the expectations that go along with this ambition.This ambition has made our city more liveable and has led to our unique position as a showcase for the world when it comes to bicycle-friendly cities, cycling infrastructure and facilities.Each year we receive 70-80 international delegations of decisionmakers and senior officials who want to learn from our experieces.The cycling, mobility and tourism policymakers of the municipality of Utrecht are working fanaticly cycling policies, strategies and projects to facilitate growth. For instance plans to furher expand and improve the already large and dense network of cycle routes.
Some highlights:
- Mission: World Bike Capital, the most bike friendy city
- Facts and figures about cycling in Utrecht: https://www.utrecht.nl/city-of-utrecht/mobility/cycling
- Our policy on cycling: it is our ambition to create a city that is healthy, sustainable, accessible, liveable and attractive for each and everyone of us. We aim to turn Utrecht into the ideal bike-friendly city. For a general overview on how we became a world-class bicycle city and for a glimpse at our plans for the future. See; https://www.utrecht.nl/city-of-utrecht/mobility/cycling/our-policy-on-cycling
- How we promote cycling tourism to the public: https://www.discover-utrecht.com/cycling/
- Example how we promote our positioning as bike capital to visitors: https://www.discover-utrecht.com/news/5x-cycling-facts/ https://www.utrecht.nl/city-of-utrecht/mobility/cycling/our-policy-on-cycling
- Our Mobility plan 2040, focussing on sustainable urban mobility (download plan in Dutch only): our sustainable urban mobility plan for 2040
- New strategy & ambitions for sustainable tourism and destination marketing; cycling plays a major role in our tourism strategy:
- In line with positioning Utrecht, Heart of Health. Cycle tourism is healthy and sustainable.
- Stimulate multi-day visits, providing more income for the city
- Spread visitors over time and space: through the year and over the city and countryside.
- Focus on cycling as an ideal way to connect the city and the countrysite. Prevent our city to become overcrowded. At the same time stimulating the countryside, often suffering from rural depopulation. Cycle tourism is an impotant way to stimulate rural communities
- Cycle tourism strategy: reasons to cycle, cooperation of municipality of the city and province of Utrecht, Utrecht Marketing and municipalities in the Utrecht region, collaborating to develop plans and campaigns to stimulate cycling tourism in the region. This strategy also focusses on the benefits using cycling for health improvement. Another objective is connecting the city of Utrecht with the smaller villages and nature parks (Utrechtse Heuvelrug) in the country side.
Regional level: province of Utrecht
The number of residents and visitors to our province will grow strongly in the coming years. To keep our province accessible, green and healthy, we encourage cycling. Cycling is healthy, good for the environment and takes up less space than the car. The province of Utrecht has a large and motivated team of cycling policy makers (‘Team Fiets’) that collaborates with other departments such as Tourism, Leisure and Economy. They are working hard to fulfill their cycling mission to make Utrech: the cycling region of Europe. In line with this ambition a lot of policies are designed and projects are initiated and managed. We love to innovate, for instance using Strava data for analysis by data consultancies to gain insights in different profiles of cyclists, cycling behavoir and how people use our cycling network or researching the possibility to use bike lanes as solar power source.
Some highlights
- Ambition: the cycling region of Europe. We have developed a comprehensive strategy to become the cyling region region of Europe. Key objectives:
- Make cycling more attractive and safer
- Improve the regional cycling network
- Create new cycle routes
- More transfer options in public transport
- Sufficient bicycle parking spaces
See for the complete strategy this download (in Dutch: Uitvoeringsprogramma Fiets 2019-2023 (pdf, 2,3 MB)
For an impression of how we are on our way to becoming the cycling region of Europe download this this illustrative infographic (in Dutch but you will get the picture): Utrecht dé fietsregio van Europa (pdf, 3 MB)
- Strong ambitions for sustainable tourism with a prominent role for cycling. The tourism department developed a overarching strategy for Tourism and Leisure. Key objectives:
- Renewal of the Knooppunten-netwerk (bike node network) in Utrecht: The recreational bike node network is a great succes in the Netherlands with over 10.000 cylcle nodes. Utrecht has1850 kilometers of bike note routes. For development and management of the route networks the province of Utrecht works closely with its subsidiary Routebureau Utrecht. The node network will get a complete overhaul also focussing more on attractiveness for tourism and recreation. This large project will we finished just before EuroVelo 2026 and we would like to showcase this project. More about this lage project
- Renewal EuroVelo15 Route (Rhine Cycle Route): this route wil be completely renewed and the new trajectory will lead cyclists not only closer to Utrecht, but also along the roman Limes (the nothern border of the Roman empire) and other site seeing and culture-historical highlights. This route also shows how easy it is in our country to cycle to the city and vice versa. This is also interesting for other countries and regions facing the challeges of rural depopulation and therefore using cycle tourism as a means to stimulate the countryside. This project isaAlso a perfect example how in the Netherlands the EuroVelo routes are connected with our national network of Lange Fietsroutes (LF, long cycle routes), regional networks and the local bike node networks. This project is ready in 2026. According to Eric Nijland,Director National Fietsplatform and NECC representative, this project would be a ‘big showcase for EuroVelo.’ See: https://nl.eurovelo.com/ev15
- Doorfietsroutes (continuous cycle routes): 150 of the 1500 km of cycle routes in our province will be transformed in 9 Doorfietsroutes. Fast, safe and comfortable cycle ways, including route siging and other facilities. Our province invests €90 million in this program. See also: https://www.provincie-utrecht.nl/onderwerpen/mobiliteit/fiets/doorfietsroutes and interactive storymap: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/5eb1c9df6395405594f6d383529e7336
- Thematic routes: develop thematic routes that are more attractive to visitors. Throughout our province there are various thematic routes:
- Dutch Waterline Defense route: route along the waterworks, fortresses and defense works. How the Netherlands used waterworks to defend the country
- Combining Doorfietsroutes with thematic route theme ‘De stijl’ (Dutch art movement painter Mondriaan, architect Gerrit Rietsvld etc) this llustrates how we combine recreational and utilitarian cycling.
- Innovation: the province participates (with Fietsersbond) in the development of navigation and route app Toertje. For cyclists a very userfriendly cycling, navigation and route planning app making cycling more fun while contributing to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. To the province a modern way to simulate cycling, physical activity and sustainable transport, being able to influence and reward favourable behavior. See: https://www.toertje.nl
- Reasons to Cycle: The province is an important partner the ‘Reason to cycle’-plan (also mentioned under the policies of the city of Utrech), multi-year plan to promote cycling tourism, recreational cycling and cycling destinations in our province, spreading visitors more evenly over the province, stimulating local communities and contributing to a healthy lifestyle. The province also wants to focus more on the emotional aspects and motivations to cycle. Apart from all the ‘hardware’ (infrastructure, facilities, signing, bicycles) they want to focus more on the motivations, psychology and emotional side of cycling. The emotional side and psychology are important keys to stimulate cycling. How do you get people more enthousiastic about cycling? This focus is also evident from the fact that the theme of the National Cycling Congres, organized by the province in cooperation with Fietsersbond celebrating its 50th anniversary, will be ‘Fietsgeluk’ (cycling hapiness).
National level
Many of the aforementioned policies and plans are derivatives of national policy.The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management develops a lot of cycling policies that are translated at regional and local level. The same goes for the Ministry of Economic Affairs when it comes to cycling tourism and recreational cycling.
Some highlights
- National framework, local implemetation: Many of the aforementioned policies and plans are derivatives of national policy. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management develops a lot of cycling policies that is translated at regional and local level. This is also the case with the Minisitry Economice Affairs regarding tourism and leisure, with a special role for the Netherlands Bureau of Tourism and Conferences regarding attracting visitors (Holland Promotion), Destination marketng and attracting large confernces and events.
- Doorfietsroutes: the national policy framework for the earlier mentioned Doorfietsroutes, continuous cycle routes). Ourr national strategy to create fast, safe and convenient cycle routes to get commuters out of their car and on their bicycle;
- Citydeal Fietsen Voor Iedereen’ (Cycling for everyone’): an exaple of a national social inclusive program to beat ‘cycling proverty.’ Inspite of the fact that we have more bicycles than inhabitants, there are still a lot of people in the Netherlands that do not have the means to buy a bicyle. This program combines the fact that in our country al lot of bicycles are left unattended with employment projects to train the much needed bicycle mechanics and this providing refurbished second hand bicycles for those that cannot affort a new bicycle. Utrecht is very active in this field. See (Dutch): https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/actueel/nieuws/2023/10/09/brede-samenwerking-gemeenten-bedrijven-organisaties-en-kabinet-zoveel-mogelijk-mensen-moeten-kunnen-fietsen-in-nederland
- Doortrappen/Cycle On: Initiative of the Ministry of I&W that ensures that seniors can continue to cycle safely for as long as possible, or ‘cycle safely until you’re 100’ for both health and recrational benefits. See:
- Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions: Independent national destination management organization working on our country’s positioning, development and marketing. For various reasons cycling has a prominent role in their activities to promote the Netherlands. In their plan ‘Vision 2023 Perspective Destination The Netherlands,’ they state; We need an integral bike plan with a principal structure, regional structure and local structure, This means that both inner-city and regional infrastructures will have to change. Innovative solutions and attractive cycle propositions, such as the public transport bike, emphasise the frontrunner position the Netherlands holds in cycling mobility. Download (English): https://www.nbtc.nl/en/site/download/perspective-destination-nl-2030-en?disposition=inline
Key objectives:
- Spead visitors over the country: relieve overcrowded areas, stimulate areas worth discovering.
- Contribute to the reputation and branding of The Netherlands.
Cycling is important:
- Has a role in distributing visitors over the country
- Postioning: cycling is in our DNA, Use cycling and all positive associations that go with it to position the Netherlands
- Uses cycling for destination management, see for their destination management mode (Download, English)l: two-pager-destination-management
- Netherlands is the only country that puts cycling at the heart of destination marketing, while also making the connectio with health and sustainability.