16. & 17. Side events and bicycles

EuroVelo General Meeting

On the first day, we will host the EuroVelo General Meeting (EVGM) in the morning. The Jaarbeurs complex offers numerous state-of-the-art meeting rooms, including audio-visual facilities, as well as the possibility for live streaming and hybrid events. For the EVGM, we propose using one of the meeting rooms in the Supernova Conference Center, located within the award-winning Jaarbeurs complex, as this will also be the venue for the conference on the second day. For an impression, visit: Supernova at Jaarbeurs.

We will assist ECF with the organization of this meeting, including:

  • Reservation of a meeting room for 60 persons
  • Hosting a hybrid event
  • Providing a tasty lunch and coffee break with cookies for 60 persons

Other Side Events

The partners of the alliance for this bid — the Municipality of Utrecht, the Province of Utrecht, and Utrecht Marketing — will seriously consider the option of organizing side events during EuroVelo, focusing on related topics such as meetings, workshops, and presentations.

We will approach our endorsing and other partners, as well as our network and relations, and invite them to organize activities during EuroVelo. Some of the organizations we will reach out to include:

  • Fietsersbond
  • Dutch Cycling Embassy
  • NBTC
  • ANWB
  • Hicle
  • NTFU
  • CROW Fietsberaad
  • ROM Utrecht Region
  • Utrecht Bike Community
  • De Wereldfietser, an association of 4,000 long-distance bike travelers: De Wereldfietser
  • Expertpanel Fietsen & Gezondheid (Cycling & Health)
  • BYCS Network
  • Dutch Health Hub
  • Team Dutch Cycling Week

For an impression of all the event and meeting rooms at Royal Jaarbeurs, visit: View All Event Locations

17. Bicycles 

Providing participants with a bicycle will not be a problem. As a true cycling city, Utrecht has a large supply of rental bikes readily available. Additionally, we could collaborate with a partner to provide bicycles, such as the well-known OV-Fiets system from Dutch Railways (NS). The Netherlands is home to two of the world’s largest bicycle manufacturers, Pon Holdings and Accell Group, with whom we have good connections. We could also explore the possibility of partnering with them to supply bicycles for participants.

Since our city is designed for cycling, excellent and safe bicycle parking facilities are available throughout the city center and at Jaarbeurs.

16. & 17. Side events and bicycles